Very funny
what no cock joke
Very funny
what no cock joke
the ending i notice the guy from bleach whats his name his the
new black ranger i cant wait for 4 WOOT U FUCKING ROCK MAN!!!!!
umm ok
i love the mustard to but... i dont get it. if your trying to make a mustard crew thats cool and all but try to think out of the box because i see this all the time people trying to be likg S.B.C. but a mustard crew is one kick ass idea
While I do ike mustard, I'm not a big fan of CC spinoffs. This is not one.
wow this is great
dude the graphics is top of the line the sound is so clear man this is by far the best flash i have ever seen in graphics but only one thing its not that funny if your going to make more of movie spoofs u should see this movie its called jerky boys ITS NOT A PORNO its a comedy
No thx
not bad
hey i got the mail u sent me this flash is not that bad if u try some new audio and get rid of the dots or turn the dots in to jesus madness and made them spell hell that would have been cool
ummm i would like to make a request that u make a madness killing with this audio sonic-2 boss by paul stetich that has a awsome beat or if not
or no but hey maybe in your next flash u could add me killing a n00b that would be hella cool from your big fan and n00b killing partner Vega Disin
No problem... I just don't use a lot of music from NG. Don't have internet, the audio in this I got from madness 7 constervation. I do though, have a bunch of flash movies I put on my hard drive for refference and for my own personal entertainment. Who knows mabey I will have you killing noobs
OMFG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude i was going to burn on u until i saw it i dont care somthing made me think that knox really did that until the clay started shooting at him im give this a 4 u earn it
fucking funny
this should be a tv show on adult swim or g4tv
One of the best zelda flashes i have ever seen every thing was pervect when i saw this one i almost fell off my chair AWSOME!!!
TRy HAlo with the skills u got you can win first place flash of the week or even more
yeah runescape sucks
read this if u dont know wtf is this flash about rune scape is a multiplayer online game that people play now dont waste your time viewing there website the game blows and thats why this flash was maid stop me if im wrong oh and another thing this is for the author u should make one about endless-online